We have a Technical Office that provides technical, fiscal, and administrative advice to our partners.
At Balearic Marine, we seek to promote sustainable practices, foster research and development, support the sector, and facilitate direct contact between companies and professionals with the Administration.
We have a pool of highly qualified suppliers to whom part of the technical advisory process will be outsourced.
Surveillance and advice on national and regional subsidies.
We actively monitor all grant calls, both at the regional and national levels, and communicate them through our online bulletin to all our members.
Subsidy application
We provide guidance to our affiliated companies in the grant application process, analyzing all the relevant aspects. Moreover, our collaborating consultants can assist you in this process:
Carbon footprint report and registration in the Balearic Islands
We advise our affiliated companies on the process of measuring their carbon footprint and subsequently registering it with the Balearic record. Additionally, our collaborating consultants can assist you in this process:
Sustainability report
We provide guidance to our affiliated companies on the process of drafting their sustainability reports. Additionally, our collaborating consultants can assist you in this process:
Non-Financial Information Statement
We provide guidance to our affiliated companies on the process of drafting their or non-financial information statement. Additionally, our collaborating consultants can assist you in this process:
Circularity plans
We advise our affiliated companies on the process of developing their circularity plans. Additionally, our collaborating consultants can assist you in this process:
ISO 14001 consulting
We provide guidance to our affiliated companies on the ISO 14001 certification process. Additionally, our collaborating consultants can assist you in this process:
Innovative SME seal
We advise our affiliated companies on the process of obtaining the Innovative SME Seal, both at the Balearic and national levels. Additionally, our collaborating consultants can assist you in this process:
AENOR EA0047 Certification
We advise our affiliated companies on the process of obtaining the AENOR EA0047 Certificate. In addition, our collaborating consultants can support you in this process:
UNE 166001 certification
We provide guidance to our affiliated companies on the ISO 166001 certification process. Additionally, our collaborating consultants can support you in this process:
Tax deductions for R&D+I
We advise our affiliated companies on potential tax deductions for R&D+i (Research, Development, and Innovation). Additionally, our collaborating consultants can support you in this process:
Social Security Bonuses for R&D+i
We provide guidance to our affiliated companies on potential Social Security Bonuses for R&D+i (Research, Development, and Innovation). Additionally, our collaborating consultants can support you in this process:
Patent Box
We advise our affiliated companies on the tax incentive through Patent Box. Additionally, our collaborating consultants can support you in this process:
Registration of patents, trademarks, or utility models
We provide guidance to our affiliated companies on the processes of patent, trademark, and utility model registration. Additionally, our collaborating consultants can support you in this process:
ISO 9001 consulting
We advise our affiliated companies on the ISO 9001 certification process. Additionally, our collaborating consultants can support you in this process: