Recipients: SME registered with the IAE, which is an exporting company with its own product, service, or brand, and with a turnover of more than 10 million € in the last closed accounting year or more than 1 million € if it has participated in any ICEX NEXT or expanded program
Sector: Trade.
Subsector: Internalization.
Application deadline: until 2 p.M. On 31/12/2023
Reference web: Línea Mentoring PYMES | Mentoring (
Eligible activities: expenditure on actions included in the international action plan, and described in annex 2 of the grant: training courses for staff in the department for international development, the contracting of advanced advisory and consulting services, the registration of patents and trademarks, international prospecting trips, as well as dissemination and promotion materials in international markets.
Elegible period: 20/10/2023 – 31/12/2023
Aid intensity: 20.305.000€. The beneficiary company will be able to receive a mentoring bonus of 3.000€ and up to a maximum of 28.000€ as financial aid to implement the actions of its international action plan.
Subject to de minimis: Yes
Organisation: Official chamber of commerce, industry, services and navigation of Spain
Administration: State
Geographical area: Spain
Aid type: Grant